How to play with BEYOND MOTIVATION

BEYOND MOTIVATION by James T. McCay, Expanded Edition with Richard E. Ward helps individuals and groups increase their productivity by recognizing that working with others is an exchange of energy.

Discover how to recognize the direction and intensity of your own energy and the energy of others so that you can amplify positive outcomes, eliminate waste and store or redirect energy. Get, and give, more for less to each other.

BEYOND MOTIVATION is an incredibly rich work. Material in the book is presented in an easy-to-follow, readable style that makes extensive use of diagramming.

James Tackaberry McCay was a business visionary whose work with synergy, integral development, and shared consciousness, was far ahead of his time. His insights and practical tools developed and refined over the years are still as useful today as they were more than fifty years ago.

BEYOND MOTIVATION by James Tackaberry McCay was originally published in 1970 and builds on the foundation of his classic of personal productivity THE MANAGEMENT OF TIME that was first published in 1959 and then republished by Prentice-Hall, New Jersey in 1992 with a new Introduction and Appreciation co-authored by Richard E. Ward.

Delivers Usable Techniques

BEYOND MOTIVATION delivers usable techniques for personal and group development in areas such as:

  • leadership,
  • individual empowerment,
  • value,
  • holistic systems,
  • information management,
  • coping with rapid change,
  • stimulating creativity and many more.

BEYOND MOTIVATION is a useful book that can be used in a group setting to stimulate break-throughs in problem-solving.

Stimulate your thinking before a meeting by flipping through the book to find insights to help see yourself and others in an exchange of energy.

This book does not attempt to persuade by documented argumentation but to present a framework of abstractions which suggest, provoke, and inspire thoughts and feelings in the reader.

There are many uses of BEYOND MOTIVATION in a group or by an individual:

  • to help the individual better integrate his own thinking about human behavior and human relations
  • a means of sharing with others how the individual thinks about a subject
  • a background reference tool for conferences and educational classes
  • as an outline for structuring organizational settings

The brevity of this book ensures that a reader can be exposed — and grasp the essentials – in fifteen to twenty minutes. Anyone who has tried to communicate complex ideas through comprehensive books knows how useful such brevity can be.

This book is an experiment in communications and the eBook version has the advantages of using hyperlinks so you can easily jump around.

There is no need to read this book sequentially.

Start anywhere.

Stimulate your mind.

McCay challenged and stretched himself and those around him.

Challenge and stretch yourself and those around you by playing with BEYOND MOTIVATION.

Richard E. Ward
Tydbyte Media
former Executive Assistant to James Tackaberry McCay

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Beyond Motivation by James T. McCay with Richard E. Ward