PART TWO: Individual development for energizing

PART TWO: Individual development for energizing

  • vitality factors – ideas – diagram
  • vitality factors: ideas
  • vitality factors – sensations – diagram
  • vitality factors: sensations
  • vitality factors – action – diagram
  • vitality factors: action
  • committment – a governor of growth – diagram
  • committment
  • level of commitment – diagram
  • growth as the capacity to care
  • information overload saps vitality – diagram
  • information overload
  • information overload fosters fear – violence – defenses – diagram
  • identify and let go
  • we grow through fulfilment of needs – diagram
  • growth as fulfilment of needs
  • discovering opportunities for personal growth – diagram
  • discovery of the self
  • opportunities for growth – metabolic level – diagram
  • metabolic level
  • opportunities for personal growth – moving level – diagram
  • moving level
  • we move towards growth – diagram
  • greatest possible variety and freedom of movements
  • opportunities for personal growth – feeling level – diagram
  • feeling level
  • feelings control release – diagram
  • to achieve greatly we must feel strongly
  • the power of positive feeling – diagram
  • ideas develop better and faster with shared positive feelings
  • opportunities for personal growth – thinking level – diagram
  • thinking level
  • opportunities for personal growth – environment level – diagram
  • environments
  • sex – a universal need satisfier – diagram
  • sex – a bridge to synergism
  • a total systems approach – diagram
  • systems approach
  • individual development – a succession of rebirths – diagram
  • rebirth
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Beyond Motivation by James T. McCay with Richard E. Ward