4. Is this the sort of person who can help me grow?

McCay challenged and stretched. He was given audience by those who dared, who were intensely curious and inwardly secure.

Bob Bandeen, President and CEO of Cluny Corp., formerly CEO of Crown Life, and Canadian National Railways, found his time with McCay stimulating and challenging.

Jim McCay made you see things differently. He helped you to grow because his ideas were uncompromisingly new.

For the others, frightened by his eccentricities, he was an outcast. Here he was – chemical engineer practicing Zen, masquerading as a management consultant.

How many times have we been told in the past 10 years that we need to change our paradigms, challenge our old thinking. But what happens when we do?

We often meet head on with organizations that are too slow to change.

Some of us have been labelled overly visionary – focused on the unpredictable future and the impact our actions today will have on the future, instead of the current problems – or know people who have been treated as pariahs for carrying the message.

Listen, don’t be discouraged – these were Jim’s messages too.

He had the right questions.

5 Key Questions

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Copyright © 1981 to 2025 by Richard E. Ward. All rights reserved.

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Beyond Motivation by James T. McCay with Richard E. Ward