Wayland Young

Wayland Hilton Young, 2nd Baron Kennet (2 August 1923 – 7 May 2009) was a British writer, Labour Party and SDP politician who served in numerous national and international official and unofficial capacities.

His 1964 work Eros Denied: Sex in Western Society was a groundbreaking manifesto of the sexual revolution.

Wayland Young published on a wide range of mostly political topics, especially on the politics of Italy, on disarmament and arms control, on the churches of London often collaborating with his wife Elizabeth Young, and on various political scandals, notably the Profumo Affair and the Montesi scandal.

Young’s 1972 publication Preservation is an important insight of present UK conservation and preservation laws and policies, through the conservation struggles of the late 19th century until the 1968 Planning Act.

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