The Practice of Creativity

The Practice of Creativity by George M. Prince offers a bold and time-tested approach to solving the problem every meeting leader has faced groups that stagnate creatively, or worse turn acrimonious – a dullness or negativity stemming from the group’s inability to pursue ideas productively and beyond their obvious limits.

The Practice of Creativity offers a bold and time-tested approach to this problem, an approach both dependable and dynamic; one that uses a unique method of metaphorical thinking to stimulate creative response.

Written by the former president and co-founder of Synectics, Inc., this book provides detailed instructions on how to use a method already proven successful in many organizations, including some of the largest and most successful in the world.

It explores the process of facing and understanding problems, eliminating inadequate ideas, and unifying the entire group to concentrate its collective intelligence and imagination on fresh solutions.

The leader’s role is also discussed. Showing leaders not only how to enhance and encourage imagination and flexibility, but to insure that the personal interactions remain open and constructive, that the discussion retains healthy momentum, and that the fear of being “wrong” will not inhibit open, creative expression.

An invaluable book for business, government and other organizations, The Practice of Creativity is unique in the field of meaningful communications.

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Beyond Motivation by James T. McCay with Richard E. Ward