Eugen Herrigel

Eugen Herrigel (1884–1955) was a German professor of philosophy, with a special interest in Japanese mysticism who brought Zen to Europe after WWII.

In 1936, Herrigel wrote a 20-page essay about his experiences, and then in 1948 expanded the essay into a short book Zen in the Art of Archery. The book was translated into English in 1953 and Japanese in 1955.

From 1924 to 1929 he taught philosophy in Japan, and studied Kyūdō (the art of the Japanese bow) under a master named Awa Kenzô. Awa taught kyūdō in a way that was regarded by some as a mystical religion, called Daishadokyo.

Daishadokyo was an approach to kyūdō that placed great emphasis on the spiritual aspect and differed from much of the mainstream practice at the time.

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