BEYOND MOTIVATION by James T. McCay, Expanded Edition with Richard E. Ward, delivers usable techniques for personal and group development.
BEYOND MOTIVATION helps individuals and groups increase their productivity by recognizing that working with others is an exchange of energy.
Team building. Increase productivity. Leadership. Usable techniques. Do more with less.
Personal growth. Stimulate creativity. Amplify positive outcomes.
Group development. Stimulate breakthroughs. Group dynamics. Innovation. Shared consciousness. Improve communications.
Usable Leadership Techniques
These usable techniques provide leaders and managers with workable leadership and management tools to help them do more with less in the areas of leadership and management.
BEYOND MOTIVATION is an incredibly rich work with an easy-to-follow, readable style that makes extensive use of diagrams.
In BEYOND MOTIVATION, James McCay connects the dots weaving general semantics, integral development, synergy, shared consciousness, and social innovation techniques with thinking, feeling, and moving to improve group dynamics, stimulate creativity, improve communication, stimulate innovation and promote personal growth.
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“We are at the threshold of major jumps in human performance. These jumps will be achieved by individuals working together as responsible social and technological innovators. They will be the individuals who are beyond motivation.” writes James T. McCay in the opening words of BEYOND MOTIVATION.
The Management of Time by James T. McCay
BEYOND MOTIVATION by James T. McCay, Expanded Edition with Richard E. Ward, builds on the foundation of McCay’s timeless classic of increased personal productivity, and #1 Bestseller, THE MANAGEMENT OF TIME that has been read, and studied, by hundreds of thousands who have enjoyed increased productivity by using the techniques presented.
Delivers Usable Techniques For Individuals & Groups
BEYOND MOTIVATION delivers usable techniques for personal and group development that help individuals and groups increase their productivity by recognizing that working with others is an exchange of energy.
Workable Leadership & Management Tools
These usable techniques provide leaders and managers with workable leadership and management tools to help them do more with less in the areas of leadership and management.
General Semantics, Integral Development, Synergy, Shared Consciousness, Social Innovation
In BEYOND MOTIVATION, James McCay connects the dots weaving general semantics, integral development, synergy, shared consciousness and social innovation techniques with thinking, feeling and moving to improve group dynamics, stimulate creativity, improve communication, stimulate innovation and promote personal growth.
Expanded Edition by Richard E. Ward
The Expanded Edition of BEYOND MOTIVATION by James T. McCay extends the original book with additional material added by Richard E. Ward.
- An in depth overview of THE MANAGEMENT OF TIME including Parts I, II, III & IV;
- Short biographies of the 42 authors referenced by McCay;
- A brief synopsis of each of the 43 publications referenced by McCay;
- an index;
- extensive hyperlinking of the Table of Contents, index, references, synopses and biographies;
We Are at the Threshold
We are at the threshold of major jumps in human performance. These jumps will be achieved by individuals working together as responsible social and technological innovators. They will be the individuals who are beyond motivation.
James T. McCay