Sense Relaxation: Below Your Mind by Bernard Gunther, gives us, in stunning black-and-white pictorial form, explicit directions and suggestions for turning your life into an entirely new sense of being alive.
The results are obvious – you get back in touch with being alive.
This book has numerous exercises, including tapping, slapping, shaking, lifting and stretching, for individuals, couples, and groups.
The author knows his subject matter well having pioneered the exploration and development of full human potential at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California.
How does one remember the language of touch and feelings?
How can consciousness be expanded without drugs?
Or getting back in touch with the deep reality of physical, living being?
Sense Relaxation calls itself a book of experiments in being alive.
Sense Relaxation: Below Your Mind uses the sensory awakening method to help bring you back to your senses: to quiet excessive thoughts, to release chronic tension, to enhance directory sensory-reality in the here and now. This process can show you how to allow greater sensitivity, feeling and awareness: aid you in letting yourself be more – your entire organism – open to the potentialities and possibility without/in you.
Connect with Beyond Motivation:We are born sensitive, are desensitized and can resensitize. It is possible to focus attention on sensory experience, within-without excessive strain. We are all capable of letting go of filtering and habitual interferences; with making contact with subtle live movement and pleasure.